2023 is Well Underway…

By: Victoria Croft

Now that the New Year’s glitter has settled, and we are finished eating our heart-shaped Valentine’s chocolates, it’s safe to say that 2023 is off to a swift start. But where will it lead us in the world of PR? Let’s see which trends we may see soar in the new year and which practices will be left behind…

  • Influencers Continue to Rule

It’s no secret that traditional media is on the decline. Social media outlets continue to expand, and influencers aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

“It’s expected that brand spend with influencers will increase by more than 23% in 2023. Additionally, 80% of marketers found influencer marketing effective or very effective, and 71% say it produces better leads than other forms of marketing,” says PR Daily.

It is recommended that you invest in relationships with influencers with vast, but targeted, audiences. It may cost a pretty penny, but as we roll into 2023, influencer visibility will still be considered priceless.

  • Face to Face

Almost three years ago, a pandemic surged across the entire planet and changed our lives entirely. Working from home, Zoom and online events all became the new norm. However, as mask requirements were lifted and vaccines became available, people were able to rejoin the world and their communities again.

PR professionals, journalists and influencers are ready for more face-to-face interactions. While Zoom calls will likely still stay a major player in everyday logistics, it is expected that events and interviews will continue to rapidly progress to in-person settings.

“Face-to-face conversations yield more in-depth insights, and this PR shift is particularly applicable for critiques and discussions of sensitive or contentious matters,” says Entrepreneur. “However, brands should expect a rise in demand for in-person consultations and do what they can to make members of their personnel available.”

  • Ditch the Mass Pitching

Want to stand out to a specific reporter or outlet? Stop mass pitching and choose quality over quantity! Lean on a “small-batch” approach when sending pitches and leads.

“There are more PR practitioners and fewer journalists than ever before. Taking a ‘spray and pray’ approach is likely to be ineffective as journalists are looking for relevant, engaging content that is tailored to their publication,” says Beth Nunnington, VP of digital PR and content at Journey Further.

Let us know what else you expect to see in 2023 and which trends you think are SO “2022!”

Avoiding the Holiday Slump

By: Riley Carney

The holiday season is easily the busiest part of the year – from traveling to shopping to holiday parties; it is easy to feel overwhelmed. However, from a public relations standpoint, the holiday season is the perfect time to maximize opportunities for your company and clients. Below are some tips on how to avoid the holiday slump in the communications industry.

Keep Pitching

Even though November and December are some of the most hectic months of the year, it is a slow time for journalists as they look for stories to cover while many people are away on vacation. Tap into your connections with the media and pitch articles and stories to capitalize on the low news period of the holiday season. The media and audiences love feel-good stories during the holiday season, so now is the time to pitch the amazing things your client or company has done throughout the year.

Build Relationships

Building relationships is one of the key pillars in the communications industry, especially with the media. The best way to create a lasting relationship in this industry is to engage with others content and offer your resources. Be a friendly face and continue reaching out; if your story is not a good fit for one journalist, chances are they will connect you with the right person. Since many people drop off during the holidays, this is the perfect chance to foster new relationships and show your network that you care.

Don’t Focus Solely on the Holidays

One of the biggest fails a PR professional can have during the holiday season is stretching clients’ content to identify with the holidays when there is not a clear connection. Not everything can have a holiday spin, and that is okay. Editorial calendars are already full of gift guides and seasonal activities; it is a refreshing change of pace to hear about other events and news during this time.

Focus on Your Community

This busy season gives public relations professionals the chance to tap into their social media and commit to fostering their community. Stay engaging and focus on personal items to connect with your audience on social media. Share lots of pictures and videos and highlight the best things that happened this past year as a round-up, and don’t forget to thank your followers!

The holiday season is the most wonderful time of year and following these tips will help you have your professional life more on track for the holidays than your personal life!

Design Rush has named Hope-Beckham Inc. as a Top 10 Atlanta Public Relations Firm in Atlanta. Check out https://www.designrush.com/agency/public-relations/georgia/atlanta for more information.